Macro conrod::widget_style [] [src]

macro_rules! widget_style {
        style $Style:ident {
    ) => { ... };

A macro for vastly simplifying the definition and implementation of a widget's associated Style type.

For more information on the purpose of this Style type, see the associated type Style docs in the Widget trait documentation.

Using the macro looks like this:

    // Doc comment or attr for the generated `Style` struct can go here.
    style Style {
        // Fields and their type T (which get converted to `Option<T>` in the struct definition)
        // along with their default expression go here.
        // You can also write doc comments or attr above each field.
        - color: conrod::Color { theme.shape_color }
        - label_color: conrod::Color { conrod::color::BLUE }
        // .. more fields.

An invocation of the macro expands into two things:

  1. A struct definition with the given name following the style token.

  2. An impl Style block with a new constructor as well as a style retrieval method for each given field. These retrieval methods do the following:

    1. Attempt to use the value at the field.
    2. If the field is None, attempts to retreive a default from the widget_styling map in the Ui's current Theme.
    3. If no defaults were found, evaluates the given default expression (or theme.field).


The following is a typical usage example for the widget_style! macro.

extern crate conrod;
struct MyWidget {
    style: Style,
    // Other necessary fields...

    /// Unique, awesome styling for a `MyWidget`.
    style Style {
        /// The totally amazing color to use for the `MyWidget`.
        /// If the `color` is unspecified and there is no default given via the `Theme`, the
        /// `Theme`'s standard `shape_color` field will be used as a fallback.
        - color: conrod::Color { theme.shape_color }
        /// The extremely pretty color to use for the `MyWidget`'s label.
        /// If the `label_color` is unspecified and there is no default given via the `Theme`,
        /// the label will fallback to `conrod::color::PURPLE`.
        - label_color: conrod::Color { conrod::color::PURPLE }

// We can now retrieve the `color` or `label_color` for a `MyWidget` like so:
// let color =;
// let label_color =;

And here is what it expands into:

extern crate conrod;

struct MyWidget {
    style: Style,
    // Other necessary fields...

/// Unique, awesome styling for a `MyWidget`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Style {
    /// The totally amazing color to use for the `MyWidget`.
    /// If the `color` is unspecified and there is no default given via the `Theme`, the
    /// `Theme`'s standard `shape_color` field will be used as a fallback.
    color: Option<conrod::Color>,
    /// The extremely pretty color to use for the `MyWidget`'s label.
    /// If the `label_color` is unspecified and there is no default given via the `Theme`,
    /// the label will fallback to `conrod::color::PURPLE`.
    label_color: Option<conrod::Color>,

impl Style {

    /// Construct the default `Style`, initialising all fields to `None`.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Style {
            color: None,
            label_color: None,
    /// Retrieves the value from the `Style`.
    /// If the `Style`'s field is `None`, falls back to default specified within the `Theme`.
    pub fn color(&self, theme: &conrod::Theme) -> conrod::Color {
            .or_else(|| theme.widget_style::<Self>().and_then(|default| {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| theme.shape_color)

    /// Retrieves the value from the `Style`.
    /// If the `Style`'s field is `None`, falls back to default specified within the `Theme`.
    pub fn label_color(&self, theme: &conrod::Theme) -> conrod::Color {
            .or_else(|| theme.widget_style::<Self>().and_then(|default| {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| conrod::color::PURPLE)


// We can now retrieve the `color` or `label_color` for a `MyWidget` like so:
// let color =;
// let label_color =;