import { Hono, serveStatic } from "../deps/hono.ts"; import authRoutes from "../core/routes/auth.ts"; import { dispatch } from "../core/utils/event.ts"; import { asset, getPath } from "../core/utils/path.ts"; import type Cms from "../core/cms.ts"; export interface Options { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any site: any; cms: Cms; basePath?: string; } export const defaults: Omit = { basePath: "/admin", }; export default async function lume(userOptions?: Options): Promise { const options = { ...defaults, ...userOptions, } as Required; const { site, cms, basePath } = options; await; // Start the watcher const watcher = site.getWatcher(); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any watcher.addEventListener("change", async (event: any) => { const files = event.files!; await site.update(files); dispatch("previewUpdated"); }); watcher.start(); if (! {!.url = site.url("/", true); }"src"); cms.options.basePath = basePath; cms.options.root = site.src(); const data = ?? {}; = site; = data; addEventListener("cms:previewUrl", (e) => { // @ts-ignore: Detail declared in the event. e.detail.url = getPreviewUrl(e.detail.src); }); addEventListener("cms:editSource", (e) => { // @ts-ignore: Detail declared in the event. e.detail.src = getSourceFile(e.detail.url); }); function getPreviewUrl(src: string): string | undefined { for (const page of site.pages) { if (page.src.entry?.src === src) { return page.outputPath; } } } function getSourceFile(url: string): string | undefined { for (const page of site.pages) { if ( === url) { return page.src.entry?.src; } } } const app = cms.init(); const previewer = new Hono({ strict: false, }); if (cms.options.auth) { authRoutes(previewer, cms.options.auth); } previewer.route(basePath, app); // Add the edit button previewer.get("*", async (c, next) => { await next(); const { res } = c; if ( res.status === 200 && res.headers.get("content-type")?.includes("text/html") ) { const body = await res.text(); const code = ` ${body} `; c.res = new Response(code, res); c.res.headers.delete("Content-Length"); } }); previewer.get( "*", serveStatic({ root: removePrefix(site.root(), site.dest()), }), ); previewer.notFound(() => { const notFoundUrl = site.options.server?.page404; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const page = site.pages.find((p: any) => === notFoundUrl || p.outputPath === notFoundUrl ); return new Response(page?.content ?? "Not found", { status: 404, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html", }, }); }); return previewer; } function removePrefix(prefix: string, path: string): string { if (path.startsWith(prefix)) { return path.slice(prefix.length); } return path; }