class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Fira Code ## … and why you should care ### Kraig Stevenson ### September 13, 2018 --- # Introduction * Pizza Scientist with data problems @dominos * Franchise Development + where to build new stores? + how well those new stores will do? * Supply Chain + what/how many items should stores order for the next 8 weeks? + how to help distribution centers anticipate those orders? * Deploying ML into production + navigating complex eCommerce platform + containerized microservices --- # What is Fira Code? * monospaced font with programming ligatures * ligatures are Unicode symbols for certain operators * Fira Code is a great font even without ligatures! .center[] --- # Why use ligatures? * interpret multiple characters into a single symbol (or glyph) * save a little space * fonts have advanced enough to address this .center[ ] --- # Why use ligatures? ## **tl;dr** they make code look pretty .center[] --- # Enabling ligatures in RStudio * Tools --> Global Options --> Appearance .center[] --- # What I don't like about ligatures * Unicode characters don't line up well with other single characters + is it still monospace? * hard to distinguish similar glyphs * known issues with certain Unix systems + + solved with `sudo apt install fonts-firacode` .center[] --- # Lots of other tools can use ligatures * JetBrains * Atom * BBEdit/TextWrangler * Notepad++ * SublimeText * Spyder .center[ ] --- # Links * * * *