This document provides an intuitive introduction and guide to the NIDASH Data Model for neuroimaging data sharing. NIDASH defines a core vocabulary that extends the PROV Data Model for provenance with terms that capture information about neuroimaging research, from data acquisition to analysis and results. This primer explains the fundamental NIDASH concepts and provides examples of its use. The primer is intended as a starting point for neuroimaging scientists or developers interested in using or creating apps with NIDM.


This section provides an overview of the NIDASH Family of Documents and suggestions to the neuroimaging community for implementing these standards to support data sharing activities, as well as in reporting issues or comments.

NIDASH Family of Documents

This document is part of the NIDASH Family of Documents, a set of documents defining various aspects of neuroimaging research that are necessary to achieve the vision of inter-operable interchange of information in heterogeneous environments such as the Web, research consortia, and laboratories. A list of current NIDASH documents and the latest revision of this specification can be found in the NIDM specification index. These documents are listed below.

Implementations Encouraged

The NIDASH Working Group encourages implementation of the specifications overviewed in this document. Work on this document by the NIDASH Working Group is ongoing, errors and suggestions may be reported in the issue tracker and these may be addressed in future revisions.

Please Send Comments

This document was published by the NIDASH Working Group as a Working Draft. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please report using the NIDM issue tracker. You can also ask questions at Neurostars Q&A. All comments are welcome.


This primer document provides ...

Overview of the NIDM Experiment Component

This section provides an explanation of ...

NIDM-experiment UML chart

NIDM-Experiment: Types and relations


Table 3:NIDM-Experiment Project Concepts
NIDM-Experiment Concept PROV type Identifier
nidm:'Model Specification' prov:Activity nidm:ModelSpecification
nidm:'Project' nidm:Project
nidm:Group prov:'Entity' nidm:Group
nidm:Model nidm:Model
nidm:OrganismType nidm:OrganismType
nidm:'Protocol' nidm:Protocol
nidm:'Specified Plan' nidm:SpecifiedPlan

nidm:'Model Specification'


nidm:'Project': A coordinated set of activities designed to generate data objects, with the ultimate goal of discovery or hypothesis testing.

nidm:'Project' is a prov:Activity and has the following child: sio:'clinical trial'.

sio:'clinical trial'



nidm:Group is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: sio:'control group', sio:'intervention group'.



nidm:Model is a prov:'Entity'.



nidm:'Protocol': An protocol is a document that contains information necessary to acquire the desired data during a session and the acquisition device parameters that are to be used in that acquisition.

nidm:'Protocol' is a nidm:'Performed Plan'.

nidm:'Specified Plan'

nidm:'Specified Plan': The intended implementation of a plan during a data acquisition session.

nidm:'Specified Plan' is a prov:'Entity'.


Table 4:NIDM-Experiment Acquisition Concepts
NIDM-Experiment Concept PROV type Identifier
nidm:'Behavioral Data Acquisition' prov:Activity nidm:BehavioralDataAcquisition
nidm:'Demographics Data Acquisition' nidm:DemographicsDataAcquisition
nidm:'Image Data Reconstruction' nidm:ImageDataReconstruction
nidm:'Informed Consent Acquisition' nidm:InformedConsentAcquisition
nidm:Session nidm:Session
nidm:'Acquisition Method' prov:'Entity' nidm:AcquisitionMethod
nidm:'Acquisition Modality' nidm:AcquisitionModality
nidm:'Acquisition Object' nidm:AcquisitionObject
nidm:AcquisitionObjectQuality nidm:AcquisitionObjectQuality
nidm:'Auxiliary File' nidm:AuxiliaryFile
nidm:'Auxiliary File Collection' nidm:AuxiliaryFileCollection
nidm:'Clinical Assessment Acquisition Object' nidm:ClinicalAssessmentAcquisitionObject
nidm:'Computer' nidm:Computer
nidm:'DICOM Tag Collection' nidm:DICOMTagCollection
nidm:'Image Contrast Type' nidm:ImageContrastType
nidm:'Image Usage Type' nidm:ImageUsageType
nidm:'Performed Plan' nidm:PerformedPlan
nidm:'Pulse Sequence' nidm:PulseSequence
nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object' nidm:RawAcquisitionObject
nidm:'Reconstructed Acquisition Object' nidm:ReconstructedAcquisitionObject
nidm:'Session Object' nidm:SessionObject
nidm:PresentationSoftware prov:Agent nidm:PresentationSoftware

nidm:'Behavioral Data Acquisition'

nidm:'Demographics Data Acquisition'

nidm:'Image Data Reconstruction'


nidm:Session: 'An activity during which data is acquired from a subject by an experimenter during a single unbroken time period.'.

nidm:Session is a prov:Activity.

nidm:'Acquisition Method'


nidm:'Current Clamp'

nidm:'Field Potential'

nidm:'Multi-unit Recording'

nidm:'Parallel Imaging Method'

nidm:'Parallel Imaging Method': The method used to acquire the k-space data using MRI in which multiple coils are employed and the signals from each coil are disambiguated using the coil sensitivity profile.

nidm:'Parallel Imaging Method' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.

nidm:'Patch Clamp'

nidm:'Sharp Electrode'

nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice Method'

nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice Method': A method used to acquire the k-space in MRI in which data from multiple slices are acquired at the same time and the coil sensitivity profiles are used to separate the data from each slice.

nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice Method' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.

nidm:'Single-unit Recording'

nidm:'Voltage Clamp'

nidm:'Acquisition Modality'

nidm:'Computed Tomography'



nidm:'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording'

nidm:'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording'

nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging'


nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy'

nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography'

nidm:'Acquisition Object'


nidm:'Auxiliary File'

nidm:'Auxiliary File': A file that is used either to inform the execution of an experiment (e.g., b-vector file in diffusion-weighted MR imaging) or that is generated during the execution of the experiment (e.g., a stimulus response file in functional MR imaging).

nidm:'Auxiliary File' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Stimulus Presentation File', nidm:'Stimulus Response File', nidm:'b-value File', nidm:'b-vector File'.

nidm:'Auxiliary File Collection'

nidm:'Auxiliary File Collection': An entity that contains the URI's of files that are necessary for the execution of the experiment or the processing of the data, e.g., behavioral response files in fMRI experiments, b-value and b-vector files in diffusion-weighted MR imaging.

nidm:'Auxiliary File Collection' is a prov:'Entity'.

nidm:'Clinical Assessment Acquisition Object'

nidm:'Clinical Assessment Acquisition Object': A clinical assessment acquisition object is an entity that is collected during a clinical visit by a project subject.

nidm:'Clinical Assessment Acquisition Object' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object'.



nidm:'Computer' is a prov:'Entity'.

nidm:'DICOM Tag Collection'

nidm:'DICOM Tag Collection': An entity that contains information stored in the header of the associated data files in the DICOM format as tags.

nidm:'DICOM Tag Collection' is a prov:'Entity'.

nidm:'Image Contrast Type'

nidm:'Diffusion Weighted'

nidm:'Flow Weighted'

nidm:'Proton Density Weighted'

nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted'

nidm:'T1 Weighted'

nidm:'T2 Star Weighted'

nidm:'T2 Weighted'

nidm:'Image Usage Type'

nidm:'Diffusion Tensor'

nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast'

nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Enhancement'

nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted Imaging'




nidm:'Performed Plan'

nidm:'Performed Plan': The actual implementation of a plan during a data acquisition session.

nidm:'Performed Plan' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following child: nidm:'Protocol'.

nidm:'Pulse Sequence'

nidm:'Pulse Sequence': The sequence of commands sent to the MRI hardware to control the excitation of the subject and the acquisition of data.

nidm:'Pulse Sequence' is a prov:'Entity'.

nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object'

nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object': A raw acquisition object is an entity that is the result of the acquisition activity, but has not yet undergone any further processing steps such as image reconstruction.

nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object'.

nidm:'Reconstructed Acquisition Object'

nidm:'Session Object'

nidm:'Session Object': A session object is an entity that represents one or more acquisitions that take place during the same temporal epoch (session).

nidm:'Session Object' is a prov:'Entity'.

A nidm:'Session Object' has attributes:



Table 5:NIDM-Experiment Modality Concepts
NIDM-Experiment Concept PROV type Identifier
nidm:Session prov:Activity nidm:Session
nidm:'Task' nidm:Task
nidm:'Amperometry' prov:'Entity' nidm:Amperometry
nidm:Anatomical nidm:Anatomical
nidm:'Cartesian' nidm:Cartesian
nidm:'Computed Tomography' nidm:ComputedTomography
nidm:'Current Clamp' nidm:CurrentClamp
nidm:'Diffusion Tensor' nidm:DiffusionTensor
nidm:'Diffusion Weighted' nidm:DiffusionWeighted
nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Enhancement' nidm:DynamicContrastEnhancement
nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast' nidm:DynamicSusceptibilityContrast
nidm:'Echo Planar' nidm:EchoPlanar
nidm:'Electrocorticography' nidm:Electrocorticography
nidm:'Electroencephalography' nidm:Electroencephalography
nidm:'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording' nidm:ExtracellularElectrophysiologyRecording
nidm:'Field Potential' nidm:FieldPotential
nidm:FingerTappingTest nidm:FingerTappingTest
nidm:'Flow Weighted' nidm:FlowWeighted
nidm:Functional nidm:Functional
nidm:'Inside-out Spiral' nidm:Inside-outSpiral
nidm:'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording' nidm:IntracellularElectrophysiologyRecording
nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging' nidm:MagneticResonanceImaging
nidm:'Multi-unit Recording' nidm:MultiUnitReccording
nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy' nidm:NuclearMagneticResonanceSpectroscopy
nidm:'Outside-in Spiral' nidm:Outside-inSpiral
nidm:'Parallel Imaging Method' nidm:ParallelImagingMethod
nidm:'Patch Clamp' nidm:PatchClamp
nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography' nidm:PositronEmissionTomography
nidm:'Proton Density Weighted' nidm:ProtonDensityWeighted
nidm:'Rectilinear' nidm:Rectilinear
nidm:'Sharp Electrode' nidm:SharpElectrode
nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice Method' nidm:SimultaneousMultisliceMethod
nidm:'Single-unit Recording' nidm:SingleUnitReccording
nidm:'Stimulus Presentation File' nidm:StimulusPresentationFile
nidm:'Stimulus Response File' nidm:StimulusResponseFile
nidm:Structural nidm:Structural
nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted' nidm:SusceptibilityWeighted
nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted Imaging' nidm:SusceptibilityWeightedImaging
nidm:'T1 Weighted' nidm:T1Weighted
nidm:'T2 Star Weighted' nidm:T2StarWeighted
nidm:'T2 Weighted' nidm:T2Weighted
nidm:'Voltage Clamp' nidm:VoltageClamp
nidm:'b-value File' nidm:bValueFile
nidm:'b-vector File' nidm:bVectorFile
nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme' nidm:k-spaceTraversalScheme


nidm:Session: 'An activity during which data is acquired from a subject by an experimenter during a single unbroken time period.'.

nidm:Session is a prov:Activity.


nidm:'Task': In the field of pyschology, a task is an activity that is performed by a subject to elucidate some aspect of human behavior or underlying process.

nidm:'Task' is a prov:Activity.




nidm:'Cartesian': A method used to acquire the k-space in MRI in which a single linear sampling of k-space is performed for each repetition of the pulse sequence.

nidm:'Cartesian' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.

nidm:'Computed Tomography'

nidm:'Current Clamp'

nidm:'Diffusion Tensor'

nidm:'Diffusion Weighted'

nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Enhancement'

nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast'

nidm:'Echo Planar'

nidm:'Echo Planar': A method used to acquire the k-space in MRI in which the entirety of k-space is continuously traversed for each repetition of the pulse sequence.

nidm:'Echo Planar' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.



nidm:'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording'

nidm:'Field Potential'


nidm:FingerTappingTest: In this test, the subject is asked to tap a button as fast as possible for ten seconds each with the index finger alternating trials with each hand. Finger tapping is used to assess subtle motor and other cognitive impairments. (source: CMINDS).

nidm:FingerTappingTest is a prov:'Entity'.

nidm:'Flow Weighted'


nidm:'Inside-out Spiral'

nidm:'Inside-out Spiral': Denotes that the path along which MRI k-space data is acquired is spiral and the data at the center of k-space is acquired first.

nidm:'Inside-out Spiral' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.

nidm:'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording'

nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging'

nidm:'Multi-unit Recording'

nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy'

nidm:'Outside-in Spiral'

nidm:'Outside-in Spiral': Denotes that the path along which MRI k-space data is acquired is spiral and the data further away from the center of k-space is acquired first.

nidm:'Outside-in Spiral' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.

nidm:'Parallel Imaging Method'

nidm:'Parallel Imaging Method': The method used to acquire the k-space data using MRI in which multiple coils are employed and the signals from each coil are disambiguated using the coil sensitivity profile.

nidm:'Parallel Imaging Method' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.

nidm:'Patch Clamp'

nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography'

nidm:'Proton Density Weighted'


nidm:'Rectilinear': A method used to acquire the k-space in MRI in which a single linear sampling of k-space is performed for each repetition of the pulse sequence.

nidm:'Rectilinear' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.

nidm:'Sharp Electrode'

nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice Method'

nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice Method': A method used to acquire the k-space in MRI in which data from multiple slices are acquired at the same time and the coil sensitivity profiles are used to separate the data from each slice.

nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice Method' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.

nidm:'Single-unit Recording'

nidm:'Stimulus Presentation File'

nidm:'Stimulus Presentation File': A file that contains the presentation timing and/or location of the experimental stimulus (e.g., words, pictures) that are shown to the subject in an task-based fMRI experiment.

nidm:'Stimulus Presentation File' is a nidm:'Auxiliary File'.

nidm:'Stimulus Response File'

nidm:'Stimulus Response File': A file that contains the recorded response of the subject to an experimental stimulus (e.g., words, pictures) in the course of any experiment.

nidm:'Stimulus Response File' is a nidm:'Auxiliary File'.


nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted'

nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted Imaging'

nidm:'T1 Weighted'

nidm:'T2 Star Weighted'

nidm:'T2 Weighted'

nidm:'Voltage Clamp'

nidm:'b-value File'

nidm:'b-value File': A file that contains the b values used in a diffusion-weighted MRI experiment.

nidm:'b-value File' is a nidm:'Auxiliary File'.

nidm:'b-vector File'

nidm:'b-vector File': A file that contains the b vectors used in a diffusion-weighted MRI experiment.

nidm:'b-vector File' is a nidm:'Auxiliary File'.

nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'


Table 6:NIDM-Experiment Assessments Concepts
NIDM-Experiment Concept PROV type Identifier
nidm:BarnesScale prov:'Entity' nidm:BarnesScale
nidm:CalgaryDepressionScale nidm:CalgaryDepressionScale
nidm:CategoryFluencyTest nidm:CategoryFluencyTest
nidm:ClinicalGlobalImpression nidm:ClinicalGlobalImpression
nidm:CombinedAssessment nidm:CombinedAssessment
nidm:ContinuousPerformanceTest nidm:ContinuousPerformanceTest
nidm:DelayedSemanticVerbalLearningTest nidm:DelayedSemanticVerbalLearningTest
nidm:DelayedVisualFiguralLearningTest nidm:DelayedVisualFiguralLearningTest
nidm:EdinburghHandnessTest nidm:EdinburghHandnessTest
nidm:FacialEmotionDiscriminationTest nidm:FacialEmotionDiscriminationTest
nidm:FagerstromSmokingTest nidm:FagerstromSmokingTest
nidm:LetterFluencyTest nidm:LetterFluencyTest
nidm:LetterNumberSpanTest nidm:LetterNumberSpanTest
nidm:MazeSolvingTest nidm:MazeSolvingTest
nidm:NorthAmericanAdultReadingTest nidm:NorthAmericanAdultReadingTest
nidm:PositiveAndNegativeSyndromeScale nidm:PositiveAndNegativeSyndromeScale
nidm:PremorbidAdjustment nidm:PremorbidAdjustment
nidm:SemanticVerbalLearningTest nidm:SemanticVerbalLearningTest
nidm:SimpsonAngusRatingScale nidm:SimpsonAngusRatingScale
nidm:SocioeconomicScale nidm:SocioeconomicScale
nidm:SpatialMemorySpan nidm:SpatialMemorySpan
nidm:StroopTest nidm:StroopTest
nidm:SymbolDigitAssociationTest nidm:SymbolDigitAssociationTest
nidm:TrailsA nidm:TrailsA
nidm:TrailsB nidm:TrailsB
nidm:VisualFiguralLearningTest nidm:VisualFiguralLearningTest
nidm:WisconsinCardSortingTest nidm:WisconsinCardSortingTest


nidm:BarnesScale: TBD.

nidm:BarnesScale is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:CalgaryDepressionScale: The Scale is a series of questions specifically developed to assess the level of depression in schizophrenia. It has been extensively evaluated in both relapsed and remitted patients and appears sensitive to change.

nidm:CalgaryDepressionScale is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:CategoryFluencyTest: Category Fluency (aka: Category Instances, Category Naming, Semantic Fluency) is used to assess the oral production of words belonging to three specific categories (e.g., animals, fruits and vegetables) in a given period of time and thereby provides a measure of the integrity of the lexical system.

nidm:CategoryFluencyTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:ClinicalGlobalImpression: An estimation of the global state of the subject.

nidm:ClinicalGlobalImpression is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:CombinedAssessment: An assessment that combines two or more independent assessments.

nidm:CombinedAssessment is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:ContinuousPerformanceTest: In the Continuous Performance Test, stimuli are presented visually, one stimulus at a time, at a rapid, fixed interval. The stimuli change continuously and the subject is instructed to press the response button when the target stimulus appears.

nidm:ContinuousPerformanceTest is a prov:'Entity'.




nidm:EdinburghHandnessTest: The Edinburgh Handedness Inventory is a measurement scale used to assess the dominance of a person's right or left hand in everyday activities, sometime referred to as laterality. The inventory can be used by an observer assessing the person, or by a person self-reporting hand use. (source: Wikipedia, 20161128).

nidm:EdinburghHandnessTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:FacialEmotionDiscriminationTest: In the Facial Emotion Discrimination Test subjects are presented with two pictures of different human faces and asked to identify whether the two faces are displaying the same or different emotional expressions. (source:CMINDS).

nidm:FacialEmotionDiscriminationTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:FagerstromSmokingTest: The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence is a standard instrument for assessing the intensity of physical addiction to nicotine. The test was designed to provide an ordinal measure of nicotine dependence related to cigarette smoking. It contains six items that evaluate the quantity of cigarette consumption, the compulsion to use, and dependence. (source: accessed: 20161128).

nidm:FagerstromSmokingTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:LetterFluencyTest: The Letter Fluency test is used to evaluate the spontaneous production of words beginning with a given letter within a limited amount of time (60 seconds).

nidm:LetterFluencyTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:LetterNumberSpanTest: In this test of auditory working memory, sequences of mixed letters and numbers are verbally presented and the subject is required to reorganize them into a progressive or ascending order and then report the reordered sequence to the examiner.

nidm:LetterNumberSpanTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:MazeSolvingTest: Using a pen, in the Maze Solving test, subjects attempt to find their way out of a maze by tracing a path while trying to avoid making mistakes such as tracing to a dead end.

nidm:MazeSolvingTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:NorthAmericanAdultReadingTest: A method of estimating verbal IQ in patients based upon their ability to read and correctly pronounce “irregular” words that do not necessarily follow common or intuitive rules of phonography and orthography.

nidm:NorthAmericanAdultReadingTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:PositiveAndNegativeSyndromeScale: This scale is used for typological and dimensional assessment. Based on two established psychiatric rating systems, the 30-item PANSS was conceived as an operationalized, drug-sensitive instrument that provides balanced representation of positive and negative symptoms and gauges their relationship to one another and to global psychopathology.

nidm:PositiveAndNegativeSyndromeScale is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:PremorbidAdjustment: The Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS) is a rating scale which was developed to be applicable in a research setting. It is designed to evaluate the degree of achievement of developmental goals at each of several periods of a subject's life before the onset of schizophrenia.

nidm:PremorbidAdjustment is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:SemanticVerbalLearningTest: A semantic list-learning task in which a 12-word list consisting of high-frequency nouns is presented verbally over 3 immediate-recall trials. The word list contains 3 semantic categories (four words from each semantic category). A delayed recall trial is presented after 20-25 minutes, followed by a recognition discrimination trial.

nidm:SemanticVerbalLearningTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:SimpsonAngusRatingScale: The SAS is a 10-item instrument used to evaluate the presence and severity of parkinsonian symptomatology. It is the most commonly used rating scale for Parkinsonism in clinical trials over the past 25 years. The ten items focus on rigidity rather than bradykinesia, and do not assess subjective rigidity or slowness. Items are rated for severity on a 0-4 scale, with definitions given for each anchor point.

nidm:SimpsonAngusRatingScale is a prov:'Entity'.



nidm:SpatialMemorySpan: This test is used to assess an individual’s capacity for holding a visual-spatial sequence in working memory. The test requires the subject to tap a sequence of boxes (attached to a board in a random arrangement) in the same order that they were tapped by the examiner. The sequences increase in length through 8 levels (two trials at each level) until the subject misses both trials at a given level. The test is then repeated with the subject touching the boxes in the reverse order that they were touched by the examiner. Again, the sequences increase in length for two trials each for 8 levels, or until the subject misses both trials at a given level.

nidm:SpatialMemorySpan is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:StroopTest: This test measures the ease with which a person can shift his or her perceptual set to conform to changing demands and suppress a habitual response in favor of an unusual one. The subject is assessed on his or her ability to read color names compared to the ability to read the color of ink that is not congruent with the color name of the printed words.

nidm:StroopTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:SymbolDigitAssociationTest: In this test, the subject is presented with a table consisting of 9 symbols and 9 corresponding numbers. The symbol and number table remains on the screen throughout the test. The subject is then presented with a symbol and asked to verbally state which number corresponds to that symbol.

nidm:SymbolDigitAssociationTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:TrailsA: This is a test of visual scanning, visuomotor tracking and coordination, sequencing, mental flexibility, and speeded attention. Trails A is the first part of the Trail Making Task. In Trails A, the subject is asked to draw lines connecting consecutively numbered circles; and Part B (“Trails B”), in which the subject must alternately connect numbers and letters in sequence.

nidm:TrailsA is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:TrailsB: This is a test of visual scanning, visuomotor tracking and coordination, sequencing, mental flexibility, and speeded attention. Trails B is the second part of the Trail Making Task. In Trails B, the subject must alternately connect numbers and letters in sequence.

nidm:TrailsB is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:VisualFiguralLearningTest: The Visual Figure Learning Test is used to assess visual (figural) memory functions: immediate recall, rate of acquisition (learning), delayed recall, and recognition. The subject is visually presented with six geometric figures arrayed in a 3 x 2 matrix for 10 seconds, after which the subject must reproduce (draw) as many of the figures as possible, in the same location as they appeared in the matrix. There is no time limit for recall. The subject is then asked to complete two additional learning trials using the same matrix of stimuli. After approximately 20 minutes containing other, mostly verbal assessments, the subject is asked to reproduce the figures again. Following this delayed recall trial, the subject is then presented with a series of 12 figures (the 6 original and 6 distractors) one at a time, and asked to respond “Yes” if the figure was in the original set, or “No” if it was not.

nidm:VisualFiguralLearningTest is a prov:'Entity'.


nidm:WisconsinCardSortingTest: The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test utilizes four stimulus cards in which each card is printed with one of four symbols. The examinee is provided with two decks of cards and instructed to place each card under one of the four stimulus cards that he or she believes would be a correct strategy. The examiner provides feedback on whether the chosen strategy was correct or incorrect. The examiner changes the sorting strategy throughout the test. Some common measurements regarding the examinee=s sorting strategy include: number of categories completed, perseverative responses, perseverative errors, nonperseverative errors, and failure to maintain set.

nidm:WisconsinCardSortingTest is a prov:'Entity'.


Table 7:NIDM-Experiment Other Concepts
NIDM-Experiment Concept PROV type Identifier
nidm:Acquisition prov:Activity nidm:Acquisition
nidm:'Demographics Acquisition Object' prov:'Entity' nidm:DemographicsAcquisitionObject
nidm:'fMRI Design Type' nidm:NIDM_0000155



neuro:instrument-based-assessment: An INSTRUMENT-BASED ASSESSMENT is a SUBJECT DATA ACQUISITION that captures some required information concerning the subject and involves the integration of data from instruments: TEST(-INSTRUMENTS) and/or QUESTIONNAIRES. When the purpose of the patient's examination is the assessment of her/his behavior, the examiner uses questionnaires rather than tests to rate the level of intensity/severity of a behavioral trait. Then, the appropriate action is a BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEW rather than a BEHAVIOURAL TEST which is less adapted. INSTRUMENT-BASED ASSESSMENTS are divided among TEST-BASED ASSESSMENTS and QUESTIONNAIRE-BASED ASSESSMENTS according to the kind of instrument which is administrated and therefore to the specific roles played by the subject and the healthcare professional in the assessment.

neuro:instrument-based-assessment is a nidm:Acquisition and has the following children: neuro:questionnaire-based-assessment, neuro:test-based-assessment.


neuro:questionnaire-based-assessment: A Questionnaire-based assessment is an Instrument-based assessment which involves the integration of data from questionnaires. A questionnaire-based assessment involves sets of questions (items), carried out in a structured way (known as structured interview) or semi-structured way, to provide normative data. Interview-based measures and rating scales are designed to be completed by clinicians, subjects, parents, caregivers. The scoring of each item contributes to the measure of the explored domain (e.g. Depression). “A directed conversation with the subject aimed at eliciting information for psychiatric diagnosis, evaluation, treatment planning, etc. The interview may be conducted by a social worker or psychologist.” (Source: MSH/MH). (Concept: [CUI C0021819] Interview, Psychological, Semantic Type: Diagnostic Procedure). QUESTIONNAIRE-BASED ASSESSMENTS are divided among PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVIEWS, BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEWS, and NEUROCLINICAL INTERVIEWS according to the kind of questionnaire that is used.

neuro:questionnaire-based-assessment is a prov:Activity and has the following children: neuro:behavioural-interview, neuro:neuroclinical-interview, neuro:psychological-interview.


neuro:behavioural-interview: A behavioural interview is a Questionnaire-based assessment carried out during a behavioral examination.

neuro:behavioural-interview is a prov:Activity.


neuro:neuroclinical-interview: A neuroclinical interview is a Questionnaire-based assessment carried out during a neurological examination.

neuro:neuroclinical-interview is a prov:Activity.


neuro:psychological-interview: A psychological interview is a Questionnaire-based assessment carried out during a psychological examination.

neuro:psychological-interview is a prov:Activity.


neuro:test-based-assessment: A Test-based assessment is an Instrument-based assessment which involves the integration of data from tests. A Test-based assessment is conducted as a formal testing session to provide normative data. TEST-BASED ASSESSMENTS are divided among PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS, BEHAVIOURAL TESTS and NEUROCLINICAL TESTS according to the kind of instrument that is used.

neuro:test-based-assessment is a prov:Activity and has the following children: neuro:behavioural-test, neuro:neuroclinical-test, neuro:psychological-test.



neuro:neuroclinical-test: “The Neuroclinical examination (Neurological test) is the usual clinical approach to the study of the brain functions. The Neurological test includes extensive study of the brain's chief product-behavior. [...] The neurologist examines the strength, efficiency, reactivity, and appropriateness of the patient's responses to commands, questions, discrete stimulation of particular neural subsystems, and challenges to specific muscle groups and motor patterns. […] In the neurological examination of behavior, the clinician reviews behavior patterns generated by neuroanatomical subsystems, measuring patients' responses in relatively coarse graduations or nothing their absence" (Lezak et al., 2004).

neuro:neuroclinical-test is a prov:Activity.


neuro:psychological-test: "[…] psychological assessment […] involves the intensive study of behavior by means of interviews and standardized scaled tests and questionnaires that provide relatively precise and sensitive indices of behaviour." (Lezak et al., 2004). PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS are divided among NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS and EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY TESTS according to the kind of instrument that is used.

neuro:psychological-test is a prov:Activity and has the following children: neuro:experimental-psychology-test, neuro:neuropsychological-test.




neuro:neuropsychological-test: "Neuropsychological assessment is a method of examining the brain by studying its behavioural product. Since the subject matter of neuropsychological assessment is behavior, it relies on many of the same techniques, assumptions, and theories as does psychological assessment. The distinctive character of neuropsychological assessment lies in a conceptual frame of reference that takes brain function as its point of departure. Regardless of whether a behavioral study is undertaken for clinical or research purposes, it is neuropsychological so long as the questions that prompted it, the central issues, the findings, or the inferences drawn from them ultimately relate to brain function" (Lezak et al., 2004).

neuro:neuropsychological-test is.


neuro:variable-assessment: A variable assessment is an activity that results in a value assigned to a specific item on an assessment instrument question or test.

neuro:variable-assessment is a nidm:Acquisition and has the following children: neuro:coded-variable-assessment, neuro:numerical-variable-assessment.



nidm:'Demographics Acquisition Object'

nidm:'Demographics Acquisition Object': A demographics acquisition object is an entity that represents the demographics information acquired from a person in the subject role.

nidm:'Demographics Acquisition Object' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object'.

nidm:'fMRI Design Type'

nidm:'fMRI Design Type': The type of stimulus presentation used in the data acquisition, one of block-based design, event-related design or mixed design.

nidm:'fMRI Design Type' is a nidm:AcquisitionObjectQuality.

Examples of nidm:'fMRI Design Type' includes



Additional Information



This document has been produced by the NIDASH Working Group, and its contents reflect extensive discussion within the Working Group as a whole.

Members of the NIDASH Working Group at the time of publication of this document were: