rules "MD001", // header levels increment by 1 "MD002", // first header should be level 1 "MD003", // header style - atx "MD004", // unordered list style - asterick "MD005", // don't allow inconsistent indentation for list items "MD006", // start bullets at beginning of line "MD007", // unordered list indentation should be 4 spaces "MD009", // trailing spaces not allowed "MD010", // hard tabs not allowed "MD011", // alert on reversed link syntax "MD012", // alert on multiple consecutive blank lines "MD013", // line length should be no more than 80 characters "MD014", // dollars signs not before commands w/o showing output "MD018", // must have space after header style "MD019", // no multiple spaces after header style "MD022", // headers should be surrounded by blank lines "MD023", // headers must start at the beginning of the line "MD024", // no multiple headers with same content "MD025", // only 1 level 1 header "MD026", // no trailing punctuation in headers "MD027", // no multiple spaces after blockquote symbol "MD028", // no blank lines within blockquote "MD029", // ordered list item prefix, shoulded be ordered "MD030", // spaces after list markers "MD031", // fenced code blocks need line surrounding "MD032", // lists should be surrounded by line "MD033", // Inline HTML "MD034", // Bare URL used "MD035", // Horizontal rule style "MD036", // Emphasis used instead of a header "MD037", // Spaces inside emphasis markers "MD038", // Spaces inside code span elements "MD039", // Spaces inside link text "MD040", // Fenced code blocks should have a language specified "MD041" // First line in file should be a top level header style ""