# Under the engines key, you can configure which engines will analyze your repo. # Each key is an engine name. For each value, you need to specify enabled: true # to enable the engine as well as any other engines-specific configuration. # For more details, see here: # https://docs.codeclimate.com/docs/example-codeclimateyml#platform # For a list of all available engines, see here: # https://docs.codeclimate.com/docs/list-of-engines engines: # to turn on an engine, add it here and set enabled to `true` # to turn off an engine, set enabled to `false` or remove it csslint: enabled: false # Stylelint at Codacy used isnstead. duplication: enabled: true config: languages: - javascript - php - python eslint: enabled: true channel: "eslint-3" # config: .eslintrc.json # ignore: .eslintignore fixme: enabled: true markdownlint: enabled: true # initial: .mdlrc # config: .mdlrc.style.rb phpcodesniffer: enabled: true checks: Generic WhiteSpace DisallowTabIndent TabsUsed: enabled: false PSR2 ControlStructures ControlStructureSpacing SpacingAfterOpenBrace: enabled: false PSR2 ControlStructures ControlStructureSpacing SpaceBeforeCloseBrace: enabled: false Squiz ControlStructures ForEachLoopDeclaration SpaceAfterOpen: enabled: false Squiz ControlStructures ForEachLoopDeclaration SpaceBeforeClose: enabled: false Squiz ControlStructures ForLoopDeclaration SpacingAfterOpen: enabled: false Squiz ControlStructures ForLoopDeclaration SpacingBeforeClose: enabled: false Squiz Functions MultiLineFunctionDeclaration BraceOnSameLine: enabled: false phpmd: enabled: true checks: Controversial/CamelCaseParameterName: enabled: false Controversial/CamelCaseVariableName: enabled: false shellcheck: enabled: true # Engines can analyze files and report issues on them, but you can separately # decide which files will receive ratings based on those issues. This is # specified by path patterns under the ratings key. # For more details see here: # http://docs.codeclimate.com/article/289-configuring-your-repository-via-codeclimate-yml#platform # Note: If the ratings key is not specified, this will result in a 0.0 GPA on your dashboard. ratings: paths: - "**.conf" - "**.css" - "**.js" - "**.json" - "**.md" - "**.phar" - "**.php" - "**.sh" - "**.xml" # You can globally exclude files from being analyzed by any engine using the # exclude_paths key. exclude_paths: - "_libs/**" - "**.min.css" - "**.custom.css" - "**.min.js" - "**.pack.js" - "**.custom.js"