Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xv_mix_l2.c File Reference


int XVMix_Initialize (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId)
 This function initializes the core instance. More...
void XVMix_InterruptEnable (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr)
 This function enables interrupts in the core. More...
void XVMix_InterruptDisable (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr)
 This function disables interrupts in the core. More...
void XVMix_Start (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr)
 This function starts the core instance. More...
void XVMix_Stop (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr)
 This function stops the core instance. More...
void XVMix_SetVidStream (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, const XVidC_VideoStream *StrmIn)
 This function configures the mixer input stream. More...
int XVMix_LayerEnable (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId)
 This function enables the specified layer of the core instance. More...
int XVMix_LayerDisable (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId)
 This function disables the specified layer of the core instance. More...
int XVMix_IsLayerEnabled (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId)
 This function returns state of the specified layer [enabled or disabled]. More...
void XVMix_SetBackgndColor (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_BackgroundId ColorId, XVidC_ColorDepth bpc)
 This function sets the background color to be displayed when stream layer is disabled. More...
int XVMix_SetLayerWindow (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId, XVidC_VideoWindow *Win, u32 StrideInBytes)
 This function configures the window coordinates of the specified layer. More...
int XVMix_GetLayerWindow (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId, XVidC_VideoWindow *Win)
 This function read the window coordinates of the specified layer. More...
int XVMix_MoveLayerWindow (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId, u16 StartX, u16 StartY)
 This function moved the window position of the specified layer to new coordinates. More...
int XVMix_SetLayerScaleFactor (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId, XVMix_Scalefactor Scale)
 This function configures the scaling factor of the specified layer. More...
int XVMix_GetLayerScaleFactor (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId)
 This function returns the scaling factor of the specified layer. More...
int XVMix_SetLayerAlpha (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId, u16 Alpha)
 This function configures the Alpha level of the specified layer. More...
int XVMix_GetLayerAlpha (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId)
 This function returns the alpha of the specified layer. More...
int XVMix_GetLayerColorFormat (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId, XVidC_ColorFormat *Cfmt)
 This function reads the color format of the specified layer. More...
int XVMix_SetLayerBufferAddr (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId, UINTPTR Addr)
 This function sets the buffer address of the specified layer. More...
UINTPTR XVMix_GetLayerBufferAddr (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId)
 This function reads the buffer address of the specified layer. More...
int XVMix_SetLayerChromaBufferAddr (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId, UINTPTR Addr)
 This function sets the buffer address of the specified layer for the UV plane for semi-planar formats. More...
UINTPTR XVMix_GetLayerChromaBufferAddr (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId)
 This function reads the buffer address of the specified layer for the UV plane for semi-planar formats. More...
int XVMix_SetLogoColorKey (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LogoColorKey ColorKeyData)
 This function sets the logo layer color key data. More...
int XVMix_GetLogoColorKey (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LogoColorKey *ColorKeyData)
 This function reads the logo layer color key data. More...
int XVMix_LoadLogo (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVidC_VideoWindow *Win, u8 *RBuffer, u8 *GBuffer, u8 *BBuffer)
 This function loads the logo data into core BRAM. More...
int XVMix_LoadLogoPixelAlpha (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVidC_VideoWindow *Win, u8 *ABuffer)
 This function loads the logo pixel alpha data into core BRAM. More...
void XVMix_DbgReportStatus (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr)
 This function reports the mixer status. More...
void XVMix_DbgLayerInfo (XV_Mix_l2 *InstancePtr, XVMix_LayerId LayerId)
 This function reports the mixer status of the specified layer. More...