MicrophoneRecognitionClientWithIntent Class Reference

Inherits from MicrophoneRecognitionClient : Conversation : NSObject
Declared in MicrophoneRecognitionClientWithIntent.mm


The Azure Intelligent Services speech recognition and intent client for microphone input.

Voice input data is collected from the microphone and sent to the speech recognition service. A built-in Silence Detector is applied to microphone data before it is sent to the recognition service.

Returns speech recognition results *and* structured intent results.

– initWithSpeechRecoParams:withProtocol:

Initializes a speech recognition and intent client that uses the microphone as the input source.

- (id)initWithSpeechRecoParams:(AdmRecoOnlyPreferences *)prefs withProtocol:(id<SpeechRecognitionProtocol>)delegate



A set of preferences used to configure the service.


The speech recognition protocol callback

Return Value

The microphone recognition and intent client


Initializes a speech recognition and intent client that uses the microphone as the input source.

To initiate speech recognition, call the startMicAndRecognition method of this client. Once the microphone is turned on, data from the microphone is sent to the service. A built-in Silence Detector is applied to the microphone data before it is sent to the recognition service. The service returns speech recognition results and structured intent results. To terminate speech recognition and stop sending data to the service, call endMicAndRecognition.

The service returns structured intent results in JSON form (see [https://LUIS.ai](https://LUIS.ai)).

Declared In
