/** @file Contains the global variables used in LabelMe. */
// Parsed LabelMe XML file. Manipulate this variable with jquery.
var LM_xml;
// URL of CGI script to submit XML annotation:
var SubmitXmlUrl = 'annotationTools/perl/submit.cgi';
// LabelMe username:
var username = 'anonymous';
// Boolean indicating whether user is currently signing in (this should be abstracted into class):
var username_flag = 0;
// Boolean indicating if we will use attributes. This should be read from the URL and set to 0 by default.
var use_attributes = 1; // if this is 0, then it will remove all the attributes from the bubble.
var use_parts = 1; // if this is 0 disapears the message from the bubble
// for now, let's remove the attributes in MT mode. Just in case anybody is trying this.
if (getQueryVariable('mode')=='mt'){
use_parts = 0;
// Boolean indicating whether the control points were edited:
var editedControlPoints = 0;
// Scalar indicating which polygon is selected; -1 means no polygon is selected
var selected_poly = -1;
// Array storing all of the annotation structures. Eventually this will be
// removed since we should read directly from LM_xml.
var AllAnnotations = Array(0);
// Class with functions to handle actions/events.
var main_handler;
// Canvas that renders polygons at rest state.
var main_canvas;
// Holds image.
var main_media;
// URL of XHTML namespace. This is needed for generating SVG elements.
var xhtmlNS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
// Website that refers to LabelMe:
var ref;
// Scribble mode:
var scribble_mode = true;
var video_mode = false;
var wait_for_input;
var edit_popup_open = 0;
var num_orig_anno;
var global_count = 0;
var req_submit;
// Indicates if polygon has been edited.
var submission_edited = 0;
// Allowable user actions:
var action_CreatePolygon = 1;
var action_RenameExistingObjects = 0;
var action_ModifyControlExistingObjects = 0;
var action_DeleteExistingObjects = 0;
// Which polygons are visible:
var view_Existing = 1;
var view_Deleted = 0;
// Flag for right-hand object list:
var view_ObjList = true;
// Mechanical Turk variables:
var LMbaseurl = 'http://' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname;
var MThelpPage = 'annotationTools/html/mt_instructions.html';
var externalSubmitURL = 'http://mturk.com/mturk/externalSubmit';
var externalSubmitURLsandbox = 'http://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/externalSubmit';
var mt_N = 'inf';
var object_choices = '...';