Some data!
Tidy workflow
- screen-cap'd from Hadley Wickham's useR 2016 talk on the Tidyverse
6 months later…
- Sharing code with colleague
- "Clone my repo, it's all in there"
- Packages no longer on CRAN
- Packages have been updated: code breaks/behavior changes
- Problematic if you need to update results or reproduce work
What packrat solves
AKA why you should use it
- Everything that happens inside this box occurs within an environment
What is it?
- A package dependency management system for R
- Influenced by
for Ruby
- Developed by RStudio
- designed to work well with projects (.Rproj files)
- Ensures projects maintain reproducibility long-term
- Need to be able to build packages in order to use
What is it?
Basic concepts
- Private Package Library
- local package tar balls (source code)
- Snapshots
- current state of a project
- Restoring
- rebuilding a project's environment based on a snapshot
Updated workflow