I am a computer science student, and also a fanatic computer creation adventurer. More..

I have solid developing experience in …


Virtual Reality




Cross-Platform News Publishing System 

A complete C/S structure news publishing system with the innovative WYSIWYG method to submit new posts. This system is compatible for all platforms. Built-in data analysis and user preference analysis tools provided.

Personalised Chocolate Printing System 

A low-cost approach in personalised chocolate making. With Xbox Kinect and Intel Baytrail platform, our system can provide chocolate model of users’ faces, as well as other digital meshes designed with modelling softwares like 3DMaxs.

Laser Food Source Tracing System 

This project provides a way to ensure safety for particular food, such as pork, crabs and sea shells. Using the laser sculptor designed by our team, we leave the image of QR code which can play a role of safety verification on the surface, which helps determine the original source of food.

Smart Voice Robot Vivian on Android

With the ability of voice recognition, this android robot is capable of helping you with varieties of problems. Apart from answer questions, she can give you advice on places, latest news and many other things you might be interested. She can also help you make phone calls, write short texts and even book tickets.

A Simple Video Game Based on Unity and Arduino

It is a space shooting game made by myself. Instead of using the keyboard or the mouse, I implemented the gamepad with a multi-orientation joystick to control the game. With additional hardware, the pleasure of games can be greatly enhanced.

Geniu Curriculum Management System

This project is about the design and implementation of a curriculum management system. Entries are provided both for teachers and students. Teachers can upload the assignments on this system and students can check and answer quizzes and take exams on online. Forums for each course are also provided.

Wireless Gun for FPS Motion Sense Games

To provide users the realistic experiences in FPS games, I designed a wireless gun which replaces the traditional mouse. Players can use this wireless gun to aim and shoot while all the operations will be reflected in FPS motion sense games simultaneously.

Wireless Shoe for Motion Sense Games

To provide users the realistic experiences in motion sense games, this prototyped wireless shoe implemented the function of movement detection. It can calculate the move speed and make real-time judgement of different user’s behaviours, like running, walking, standing and jumping. All these movements are reflected in games with wireless communication.

A Simple IOT Device Designed for Home Appliances

This project provides a simple way to make ordinary home appliances IOT devices. The smart switch designed by myself can be controlled by personal computers through wireless connection. Using computers or smart phones, users can control home applications like lights, air conditioner and so on.

Automatic Human Body Scanner Support for Kinect

The mechanism of depth camera Kinect has set limits to its ability of large object scanning. To scan objects larger than its range of view, users must hold and move the camera steadily and smoothly, which is hard to manipulate and may easily fail. This support designed by our team can automatically scan large objects steadily.

A Virtual Walkthrough House Decoration Application

This app provides a 3D environment to guide users to design and decorate houses.  Users can observe the house with virtual buttons, and choose styles and colours of the house as well as knowing purchase information related retrieved from the company’s database. It can be used in house decoration companies.

Stereoscopic Interactive Entertainment

This project aims at enhancing users’ visual experience when using virtual reality applications. We designed interactive 3D applications for users. Using red-blue glasses, they can get realistic immersive experience.

Multiplayer RPG on LAN

I designed a full multiplayer RPG(role play game) using Unity3d. The traditional features like dialogues, tasks, inventory, animations, chatting rooms have been implemented. The data exchange in this game relies on P2P network and RPC is used for most real-time operations.

Wifi Environment Detection Application  

I designed an application which can detect the real-time change of environment together with the hardware part from scratch. The data from sensors can be revealed on this application through Wlan connection.

AR Virtual Blocks

I designed this artificial reality application which can overlay the 3d models in the real scene captured by cameras. This is a simple game made for children, which enables them to play ‘real’ blocks with just paper cards.

Designed By Songlin Hou